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Server Rates


As you all know that all HLDS runs on default rates unless defined by the user in the server.cfg file located in the cstrike directory. When you run your server on default rates it requires much more bandwidth per user and causes lag if the number of user exceeds the available bandwidth, but what most of servers admin's don't know is that the server can perform really well if configured according to the bandwidth and the number of user can be increased, the only drawback of rates is that if configured too low the aim of the server becomes bad, by aim I mean that the user will not be able to aim properly as we are reducing the data that is transmitted between the client and the server so the accuracy of the server will overall decrease but this is much more better than lag and it also helps in using the available bandwidth more effectively. Before we start we should know what are the different rate and what does they define.

1. Rate : It is a client side command means that it will work only if entered on client (player) console. It defines the amount of data that can be sent to the server by the client or vice-a-versa at any instance.

2: cl_rate: It is a client side command. It defines the amount of data the client (player) can request from the server at any instance.

3: cl_cmdrate: It is a client side command. It defines the amount of data the client (player)  can send to the server at any instance.

4: sv_minrate: It is a server command means it will work only if entered in the server console or defined by the admin in the server.cfg file. It limits the minimum amount of data a client can request from the server at any instance.

5: sv_maxrate: It is also a server command. It limit the maximum amount of data a client can request from the user at any instance.

6: sv_maxupdaterate: It is a server command and it limits the maximum number of update a client can request from the server.

7: sv_minupdaterate: It is a server command and it limits the minimum number of updates a client can request from the server.

8: cl_updatrate : It is a client side command. It define the number of updates a client can request from the server per second.


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